Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is on page SEO? How to start on page seo for a website?

SEO (search engine optimization) is generally a long process, to bring a website on first page of Google. On page SEO and off page SEO are the two main component of the whole SEO process.

What is on page SEO?
On page SEO is often also known as on page optimization, it is a set of changes that need to be done on a website before going for off page optimization. Thus on page optimization all about what we do on our websites to get ranked on first page of Google. On page SEO is always followed by off page SEO.

on page SEO optimization

Components of On page SEO-

1- Title optimization - The title of  page or post in a website is of extreme important as far as on page SEO is considered. As these title are present in SERP. One should try to include primary keywords in title of page or post.

2- Meta tag optimization - This don't find any special use in modern generation, but still peoples are using this. Meta tag optimization means including meta description and meta keywords on each page of website, more importantly on index page.

3- Link optimization - Proper use of anchor text should be done, means a hyperlink should be given to a keyword. Also try to reduce the uses of numbers and special characters in URL. Always try to include keywords in the URL.

4- Keywords optimization and synonyms - LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing),by using this technology, we mean that using different which denotes same meaning. Thus by using LSI and synonym we can easily tell crawler what niche we are talking of. 

5- Bold and italic of keywords - Keywords present in a page or post should be either marked bold or italic, this makes Google crawler to understand the presence of keywords.

6- Keyword density optimization - The keyword density should be kept between 3 to 8 % only, so that the content should not look as spam.

7- Interlinking of keywords - Similar keywords present in a website should be linked, same as Wikipedia is doing. This improves over all networking of the website. One can also link to an external website. 

8- Image optimization - The images that are to be used in the website should be given a proper ALT image tag, this improves the image searches in Google. Thus a good traffic can be received from Google image searches.

9- Less use of java script and flash - As Google crawler is capable of reading only HTML, so excessive flash and java script leads website to get by-passed by Google crawler.

10- XML Sitemap - For proper indexing of all pages and post of a website, a sitemap should be submitted, so that crawler can easily get linked to each page of the website. 

11- Google webmaster and Google analytic - These are two advance services provided by Google to keep an eye on your websites. Both provide very meaning information such as searches queries , visitors records etc.

12- Robots.txt and .htaccess - These provide the desired setting to crawler to index the right section of website to get indexed. If we want to hide some of our website pages, then by doing some minor changes in Robots.txt and .htaccess, we can easily get desired result.

Want to know, what is SEO (search engine optimization) ?

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